
Every month

We are on a mission to change public transport for the better. Creating safe, sustainable and shared transport. Sign up to make change happen in your area!

✓ Members webpage + newsletter
✓ Exclusive invitations to our events
✓ Automatic invitation to workshops

Do you want to support our work and get the mailing list equivalent of a VIP tour?

Do you want to access groundbreaking research on safety and nighttime transport in the UK?

We’ve just launched A Fleet for Change Members - feed into our future work and see the impact you have.

Every month

Get all the member benefits plus the warm fuzzy feeling that your contribution funds at least one emergency free journey for a vulnerable person, every month following launch.

✓ Members webpage + newsletter
✓ Exclusive invitations to our events
✓ Automatic invitation to workshops
✓ Fund a free emergency journey every month
✓ Perks and offers to be announced
Every month
Every year

Your contribution will help us to develop our user-friendly intelligent app and service, pay fair wages to our team, and enable us to work alongside other groups to create solutions which proactively reduce violence against women and vulnerable people.

✓ Member webpage + newsletter
✓ Exclusive invitations to our events
✓ Automatic invitations to workshops
✓ Your name and/or company logo on our website as sponsors


You can be part of the transport revolution! Donations are much appreciated and will help us get operational.



If you would like to invest in us, or support us in other ways, please contact us below and we’ll arrange a chat.